Different sizes and shapes are available for roof vents, and you have a wide range of options to pick from as a result. A ridge vent is one of the most common forms of roof vents that we see nowadays. Despite its widespread use, most homeowners have no idea what a ridge vent is.
We want you to have all the knowledge you require to choose the best purchase option. Because of this, we’ll explain what a ridge vent is to you using the information we’ve acquired throughout our roofing industry.
Continue reading to discover your other roof vent alternatives after knowing what a ridge vent is.
Define A Roof Ridge Vent
To install a ridge vent in the roof, professionals have to carve the entire length of a roof’s ridge to accommodate a ridge vent. Since they are invisible from the ground, ridge vents are very common. If you are looking for a cleaning company for HVAC cleaning in Cumming, give us a call right away!
There are two different kinds of ridge vents, but the one your roof has will depend on the ventilation system in your attic.
Firstly, there is a ridge vent with a baffle for an active ventilation system (chutes provide a channel for airflow in your attic). Secondly there is a ridge vent without a baffle for a passive ventilation system (no lines for airflow). A ridge vent without a baffle allows debris, rain, snow, insects, etc., to enter your attic even though both are functional. Bear this in mind as you decide the kind of vent you want for your new roof.
However, to help homeowners prevent issues, we always advise installing a ridge vent with a baffle. If you’re genuinely thinking about installing a ridge vent, you should plan on spending about $7.00 per linear foot on labor and supplies.
Types Of Active And Passive Roof Vent
You are now aware of what a ridge vent is. However, there are several types of ridge vents that people frequently use nowadays.
Let’s move on to the additional roof vent for the two ventilation systems.
Active Roof Vents
By providing a pulling effect, active vents suck air in through the intake vents and push it out the exhaust vents. There are three typical active roof vents, excluding ridge vents with baffles: turbine, electricity, and solar-powered.
1. Turbine Exhausts
Turbine vents, called whirlybirds, move the air in your attic even when there is no wind by using a pulling effect through convection (heat rising).
2. Engine Exhaust
The air in your attic moves about 10–12 times per hour if you have placed the engine vent correctly. There is a misunderstanding that rain, snow, and insects can enter turbine vents since they have slats and are open to the attic.
3. Power Outlets
The majority of roofs have circular power vents with shallow profiles. Technicians put these vents close to the ridge (top) of the roof. These vents draw the hot air from the attic using electricity. However, you should use a humidistat to control the power vents throughout the winter.
In the absence of this, condensation will form in your attic, shortening the life of your roof. Power vent motors frequently malfunction, so be ready to replace them at some point. Learn more about air duct cleaning Cumming.
4. Solar Powered Vents
Similar to power vents, solar-powered vents get their energy from the sun. From the perspective of energy conservation, these vents sound excellent. However, when the solar-powered battery is charging, the vent closes. Due to the power required to run the motor, the solar panel can’t sustain a charge long enough to run the vent continuously.
As a result, your air conditioner may operate longer while the battery gets charged. Thus, it increases your energy costs.
Passive Roof Vents
Passive vents circulate air through your attic using natural forces like convection and wind. These vents are essentially maintenance-free, silent, and free of moving parts.
The most typical passive roof vents, excluding ridge vents without a baffle, are static and gable end vents.
1. Static Vents
The static vents on your roof resemble small boxes. For them to function, heat must be allowed to convect out of the roof, implying that the hot air is forced out of the vents when the temperature in your attic rises. Static vents may also be referred to as box vents or turtle vents.
2. Gable End Vents
The junction of the two slopes of your roof is where a gable end vent is built on the exterior wall of your attic. This vent depends on the wind from the outside to flow air into and out of your attic.
Three Factors That Make Attic Ventilation Crucial For Your Home And Roof
You now know why people install roof vents in the most modern homes. When determining which roof vent to use, your attic’s ventilation system is essential, but you also need to consider aesthetics. A Ridge vent is a wonderful alternative if you don’t want to be able to view the vents from the ground. Turbine vents are fine if you like the way they appear.
Benefits Of Roof Ventilation
Here are some advantages of roof ventilation.
- Every homeowner should prioritize roof ventilation since it offers a variety of benefits. Roof vents work throughout the year and in all situations to give your house a significant level of reasonable safety.
- Proper attic ventilation will increase your roof’s durability, which keeps the shingles cooler. Roof vents will provide airflow during the warmer months, allowing hot air to escape. The top and attic will both be significantly cooler as a result. When the roof unwinds more benevolently as a result of inadequate ventilation, that heats the roof shingles. As a result, the shingles become damaged.
- Ventilation will subsequently enable households to reduce their energy costs. When we exhibit the warmer months and summer demands, we anticipate it will remain cold inside our homes. A properly ventilated roof will enable hot air to escape effectively. The attic becomes cooler as the hot air escapes, alleviating pressure on air conditioning units.
- Additionally, roof vents aid in reducing high inside temperatures.
Regardless, if the opposite thing happens, it can result from a roof that isn’t properly vented. Hot air will remain in your home’s top terraces if it cannot escape.
Problems Caused By Poor Ventilation
Numerous possibilities, including costly impairment and even health issues, are possible outcomes of poor ventilation. Homeowners must be aware of the harmful consequences of inadequate ventilation. Therefore, we shall explore the infrequent circumstances with insufficient roof ventilation.
Cold Environments
Depending on your surroundings, it can be ice, cold, and snowy during the colder months. Ice dams may break when it drives up onto the roof. Ice barriers melt when the attic’s heat is applied. The water then collects and refreezes at the roof’s edge. The ceiling is then built up above and beneath this refrozen ice. Any additional water that drains around the barrier will be linked to it.
When there is ice, it can cause damage to the attic, interior walls, and the actual roof of the house. Roof vents will allow warm air to escape, not making it the ideal time to melt snow or ice.
Without adequate ventilation, snow and ice buildup can occasionally be dangerous, but not having any snow can also be an issue. If it is snowing heavily, but the snow has not yet reached the point of fusing on your roof, there may be a ventilation issue.
A lack of snow during the winter months can indicate poor ventilation. If your roof is even more welcoming, it probably has poor ventilation. Snow will melt quickly, and we know this can lead to ice dams, so call a roofing expert to assess your possessions if you see this happening.
Warm Environments
Condensation can also form on the roof when heated air cannot escape. The rotting that results from the moisture in discretionary expediency can seriously damage the construction of your home. Condensation might consequently cause water to gather and drip through the shelter.
It further reduces the occupancy space, which has adverse effects. Mildew will start to grow as your attic and house become humid. Mustiness can be harmful and cause health problems for those who live there.
If your attic isn’t adequately aired, it doesn’t matter what type of roof vent you select. Future difficulties and headaches will cost you a lot of money if improper ventilation is not provided.
Because of this, every homeowner must understand how crucial adequate attic ventilation is to a roof and a house. We broke down the three reasons why your attic has to be correctly ventilated in this article because of how important they are.
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