Swastikasana, which has the same name and properties as Swastika, is based on Yoga Science. This asana is considered to be the seat of Lord Surya. This asana is said to be a symbol of ultimate auspiciousness and power. Many scientific benefits of its practice have also been told, so in this article I will give you information about what is Swastikasana, the right way to do the benefits of doing Swastikasana, method and precautions.
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What Is Swastikasana / Auspicious Pose?
Swastikasana is a Sanskrit word. This word is made up of two words. The first word Swastika means Auspicious or Auspicious. The second word Asana means standing, bending or sitting in a particular position, it is also called Pose or Posture in English.
Swastikasana is also called Auspicious Pose or Auspicious Pose in English language. Swastikasana is the yoga asana of the hatha yoga style of yoga science. Its practice time is said to be 30 to 60 seconds. After that there is no need to do any repetition. This is a yogasana of medium difficulty or intermediate level.
With regular practice of this asana, the legs and ankles, hamstrings, buttocks, pelvis, pelvis (Psoas), quadriceps, knees, etc. will strengthen the organs and muscles. There are.
Health Benefits Of Swastikasana Aka Auspicious Pose:
Regular practice of Swastikasana gives many important benefits to the body. like,
1. Gives Peace and Relief
When the spine is straight and in its natural shape, then energy flows from the base of the spine, that is, the muladhara, towards the cranium. This flow of energy gives relief to the nerves and the entire nervous system. A calm nervous system helps to calm the mind. This helps the mind to have better consciousness and focus.
2. Increases concentration and memory
The benefits of pranayama and meditation are magnified when done in the correct sitting posture. Sitting in Swastikasana increases the level of concentration as the energy flow through the unblocked channels is smooth, it helps in increasing the level of meditation concentration and memory.
3. Activates the Chakra
When the flow of prana through unblocked channels is smooth and easy, the Muladhara (Root) chakra along with the Ajna (Third Eye) chakra is activated. However this benefit is achieved when the exercise is done for a longer duration.
Correct way to do Swastikasana:
- Gradually increase the practice to do Swastikasana, do not practice this asana if there is discomfort.
- Always warm up and make sure your core muscles are activated before you put pressure on your shoulders or knees.
- If at any time you feel discomfort or pain, do not apply any pressure.
- Gradually stop the practice of asanas and take rest, for the first time do this asana only under the supervision of a yoga guru.
Method of doing Swastikasana:
- Sit on the yoga mat in Sukhasana.
- Straighten both the legs on the yoga mat in front.
- Maintain a slight gap between the legs.
- Now bend the left leg at the knee, the sole of the left foot should come towards the inside of the right thigh.
- Bend the right leg at the knee.
- Place the foot between the thigh and the shin of the left foot.
- Keep the palms of both the hands on the knees of both the hands.
- The spine will remain straight.
- Breathing speed will be normal.
- Sit in this position for 10 minutes or more as per your convenience.
Important Notes:
- Swastikasana should be practiced only in the morning.
- If you are doing these asanas in the evening, then eat food 4 to 6 hours before.
- Take defecation before asana and the stomach should be completely empty.
Precautions for Swastikasana Or Auspicious Pose:
Avoid practicing Swastikasana if you have the following problems.
- Do not do this asana in case of serious illness like diarrhea etc.
- If you have pain in your back, neck, shoulder, or knee, you shouldn’t perform Swastikasana.
- Do not raise your hand if there is a problem of pain.
- Heart and high blood pressure patients should not do this asana.
- To begin with, do Swastikasana only under the supervision of a yoga trainer; you can do this asana on your own once you are balanced.
- Before practicing Swastikasana, please consult a doctor.
Swastikasana is a very good posture of yoga science, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body, Swastikasana not only activates metabolism but also helps to keep your mind stable. Maintaining balance is the most important thing in today’s world, similarly Swastikasana helps in developing this quality related to creating balance in your body. Before practicing Swastikasana, you have to conquer the fear of your mind that you may fall while practicing. Even if you fall, take a deep breath and praise yourself for the effort and practice again, in the initial phase of this exercise. To do the asana, definitely take guidance from a qualified yoga teacher.