How to draw an anime character: Anime originated in Japan in the 1960s as hand-drawn or computer-animated characters. Today, his cartoon and comic style is world famous. Learning to draw anime is easy, whether you’re looking to sketch by hand or draw using a computer or tablet. Even better? You can choose from many styles to start with.
you can learn more drawing ideas like animal drawings,3D drawing, cartoon drawing, human drawing, etc.
Draw Anime Boys:
Step 1: Draw the Face and Neck
Working on a boy anime drawing is similar to creating a female character. It would help if you started by drawing the outlines of the face and neck before adding the fun facial features.
Draw a light freehand circle with a vertical guideline straight down the middle. This line should go beyond the bottom of the process to the level where you want to place the chin. Then draw a slightly curved line on each side of the circle, slanting it further down from the vertical line. Where these lines meet will be the bottom of the face.
Below the face, draw two vertical lines for the neck and one line on either side for the top of the shoulders. Using leading lines allows you to position all of your character’s features correctly.
Step 2: Add Eyes, Nose, and Mouth
Draw two half-ovals on each side of the face with small curved lines inside for the ears. As you move inward from the circle of the face, in line with the ears, you will begin to work on the most significant element: the eyes! Drawing anime eyes may seem complicated, but remember to break it down into shapes to make it easier.
Start by drawing two curved lines on each side, the space between them being the width you want the eyes to be. From there, draw the curved lines of the eyeballs and a lighter curved line above for the eyebrows. Add the eyes first, as these are anime characters’ most important facial features.
Shade a small circle at the top of the eyeballs to create the pupils, adding a few short lines over the curved lines below for the eyelashes. Add a slight V or two short lines along the center line for the nose. Most anime mouths are drawn with a single line in the lower third of the face, so add it to complete the features.
Step 3: Add Hair
From the center point a little above the top of the face, start drawing curved lines around the edges of the face. The hair on anime characters is usually messy, so don’t worry if it doesn’t look perfect! You can even start drawing them on the front of the face to give your anime boy drawing an even more classic look. I am adding pencil hair to a male anime drawing.
Finally, go over your pencil lines with a pen to make your drawing stand out, and prepare it for coloring if you want to add something more!
Learn more: Draw Anime Boys