There are many different reasons why females feel extremely fatigue. Some of these reasons are related to anemia, hypothyroidism, food allergies, stress, or a combination of factors. The good news is that many of these conditions can be treat, and there are treatments available for any of them. Below we’ve outlined the top three causes of female fatigue. You might be surprise to learn that you may have a recurring issue!
Anemia is a disorder in which the body is lacking in red blood cells. In general, red blood cells carry oxygen. The gastrointestinal tract absorbs iron from foods and stores it until it is need to make more red blood cells. Iron deficiency anemia results in a low level of healthy red blood cells, meaning that hemoglobin does not carry as much oxygen. As a result, fatigue and exhaustion are common symptoms of anemia.
Although anemia may only cause the patient to feel sleepy, it can have a far-reaching effect on the person’s health. Undiagnosed anemia can deprive the body of oxygen, causing low blood pressure and impairing cognitive skills. In addition to being sleep-deprive, anemia can cause a plethora of symptoms, including dizziness and heart palpitations.
The condition known as hypothyroidism can cause severe fatigue. It is different from the typical tiredness that most people feel. Instead of being able to get out of bed, you feel bone-numbing fatigue. It can last for days and leave you with no energy at all. In severe cases, hypothyroidism can lead to constipation and extreme fatigue. Hypothyroidism can lead to an inability to concentrate, a life that is difficult to handle.
Heavy periods and irregular periods are also common symptoms of hypothyroidism, and 30% of women who have the disorder experience heavy or irregular periods. However, it is important to note that hypothyroidism can develop after other symptoms have been experience, including sluggish mental functioning and depression. Women who suffer from frequent or heavy periods should visit a gynecologist as hypothyroidism can interfere with their reproductive system.
Many women simply accept the fact that they are tired and low on energy. While fatigue is a natural side effect of living a healthy lifestyle, it doesn’t have to be an everyday battle. There are several causes of fatigue and it is important to seek medical advice if you suspect you are suffering from any of them. Stress and grief are both time-dependent conditions that can leave women feeling drained of energy. Although it is frustrating to wait for answers, these conditions are easily treatable. Modalert or Modvigil is the best medicines to treat stress.
Although short-term stress can improve focus and performance, long-term stress can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. Studies have link stress to insomnia, and they suggest that both are caused by the same condition. The body produces stress hormones, which are known to increase fatigue and create a wired state of being. In addition to that, chronic stress can cause a person to become irritable, sleepless, and have trouble concentrating.
Food allergies
There are a number of reasons why food allergies can cause extreme fatigue in females. Some people experience chronic fatigue, including digestive complaints, headaches, muscle aches, and brain fog. Many people with food allergies have poor gut wall function, which can lead to irritable bowel syndrome. While it may be hard to tell whether your condition is cause by a food allergy, you can begin to track your symptoms.
Many people who suffer from food allergies have an allergy to multiple foods. Food allergies can be cause by a number of reasons, including repeated exposure to certain foods, an abnormal micro biota, or a genetic allergy. While avoiding food that causes an allergy can be a simple solution, severe allergic reactions can lead to life-threatening anaphylaxis, and severe dehydration and fatigue. So it is important to seek medical attention for suspected food allergies.
Women are particularly susceptible to depression and severe fatigue. In fact, studies show that fatigue and depression often occur simultaneously. Women who suffer from depression are nearly four times more likely to be tired than those without the disorder. While neither of these conditions is dangerous on its own, they can contribute to poor sleep quality and overall health. This article will discuss some of the symptoms of depression and how they relate to fatigue and sleep. Further, it will provide information on how to identify these symptoms.
If you are experiencing depression-related fatigue, it is best to see a health care provider to get the proper diagnosis and treatment. Your health care provider can determine if you have a medical condition that is causing the fatigue or if the fatigue is an adverse reaction to antidepressant medication. If the fatigue is causing sleepiness, your health care provider can prescribe a medication like Modalert 200 to help you feel less tired. Additionally, your doctor can also provide you with tips for dealing with the symptoms of depression.
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